Only additional fees and charges that may be added to the price of your groom here at Pet Angels are, the following:
- Late Pick up Fee: $24.99
- We will notify you with the number you put into our system 15 minutes prior to the completion of the groom. Failure to pick up you dog within 30 minutes after we have sent you the 15-minute notification will result in a «Late Pick Up».
- Failure to pick up your dog before 6:15pm will result in animal control being called to pick up your dog, and all fees will be your responsibility to pay. Also, you will be banned from receiving any future services at Pet Angels.
- Late Drop Off Fee: $19.99
- This will be added on if you arrive 10 minutes late to your scheduled appointment. Because each groom takes the full scheduled time it is unfair to all our other clients to be backed up from 1 client being late.
- Extreme Matting Fee: $1 minute
- We will let you know before we start the groom if your dog will be charged an «Extreme Matting Fee» and you can choose to decline our service.
- This fee is set in place because matting causes excessive wear and tear on our groomer’s equipment.
- Cancellations/ No Call No Shows
Because we book on a tight schedule, same day cancellations leave an empty block of time that otherwise could have been filled. To avoid this, we ask that any cancellations are made at least 24 hours in advance. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in a $39.99 cancellation fee/no show protection fee. After two no call/no shows or three same day cancellations, you will be banned from booking with our salon. We understand that sometimes things happen, so please give us a call-in advance if you think you will miss your appointment.