

It is highly recommended that you carefully read through our policies before scheduling an appointment. A copy of these policies will be directly text to your cellphone when an appointment is scheduled. All clients are expected to abide by these policies as it pertains to the health and safety of our wonderful staff and your pet. Failure to read my policies does not invalidate them, and they are in full affect at each appointment. If you have any questions or suggestions about my grooming policies, please send us an email at info@gopetangels.us and we would be happy to go over any questions and concern you might have.

For your pet’s groom

Please remember to bring your dog’s rabies vaccination information for your groom. If you do not have their record on hand, please have your Vet send it to you before your appointment.

Pre-Existing Conditions & Senior Pets

Here at Pet Angels, we believe in safety first. We want your pet’s experience with me to be as pleasant as possible. It is important to understand that on occasion grooming can expose a hidden medical problem or aggravate a current one. This can occur during or after grooming. Such pre-existing conditions include, but are not limited to, allergies, matting, behavioral issues, bone or joint sensitivity, heart conditions, seizures, etc.

Because senior pets and pets with health problems are at greater risk of stress and injury, these pets will be groomed for cleanliness and comfort, in styles that will not add to their stress.

If any veterinary care in need we will contact you right away and will not proceed to our services. We also retain the right to turn away pets or end services at any time should we feel it is too much of a risk for either the dog or to our groomers. To prevent this as much as possible, please make sure to let me know about any health conditions (including medication) and behavioral issues before your appointment, and anything that arises after.

We here at Pet Angels will insure that we take every care and precaution, but I am not liable for injury or death resulting from a pre-existing condition.

Pregnant pets

If you plan on breeding your dog, please have her groomed before she takes to ensure her comfort and safety during the pregnancy. It is our policy that we do not groom pregnant dogs I do not know. The added stress from grooming, even for a dog that is used to the process, can cause complications to the pregnancy. Please let us know ahead of time if your dog is pregnant and when she is due so that we may decide for ourself if she is safe to groom, but please understand that it will be a groom for comfort and not for style if I choose to go ahead with her appointment.

We will do my utmost best to ensure that she is safe and comfortable throughout her appointment but will not be liable for any pregnancy complications that may arise after her groom. For the best interest of the mother and the puppies, I require puppies to have been weaned before I will accept the mother dog back for grooming after giving birth.

Proof of Vaccinations

To ensure a safe and clean environment, kennels and tables are sanitized between every dog. Additionally, we require all dogs being groomed to be current with their Rabies vaccination, and strongly recommend that they also be up to date on their Bordetella and DHLPP vaccinations as well.

If your dog cannot be vaccinated due to health concerns, appointments can still be made if a note from your vet is provided. Please bring proof of vaccinations in the form of paperwork or a vet note to your appointment.

Medical Release

Please understand that grooming equipment is sharp, and although we always use extreme caution and care, it is possible problems can occur including, but not limited to, irritation, nicks, quicked nails, cuts, etc.

In the event an accident does occur, you will be notified right away of said accident. If we feel it is serious, and the pet owner is not on-site, we request permission to seek immediate veterinary care. Medical expenses that arise as a result of situations such as these will be covered by Pet Angels.

Should we as your groomer provider decide that veterinary care is not needed for an injury, but you as the dog owner choose to seek veterinary care anyways, Pet Angels will cover 50% of medical costs ONLY if said injury is not the result of a pre-existing condition or matting, medical attention is given within 1 week of your appointment, and a copy of the bill is sent to Pet Angels in a timely manner.

Matted Pets

Did you know? Mats cut off the air flow in your dog’s skin and can trap moisture, which can cause irritation and sores on your dog. Even mild matting can be painful, but in severe cases matting can cut off circulation to your dog’s skin and cause hematomas.

Here at Pet Angels  we strongly believe in «Humanity Over Vanity.» Should your dog come to us with mats I will do what is in the best interest of the dog and shave them out. By booking an appointment with us you are agreeing that as your groomer I am not liable for cuts, irritation, bruising, and other such injuries caused by matting, nor are we liable for old injuries that may have been hidden by the matted hair.

Shaving Double-Coated Dogs

Warning to all double coated dog owners. Shaving your dog’s double coat may put them at risk of shave shock, in which case the hair may grow back patchy, a different texture, or not at all. Many vets and groomers believe that shave shock is a myth, and a dog is only at risk if there are underlying health conditions that prevent the coat from growing back healthy; others believe it can happen to any dog. Our job here at Pet Angels  is to equip you with the knowledge to make the best informed decision about your dog’s coat that you can.

If you decide to shave your double-coated dog, Pet Angels is not liable should their coat experience shave shock.


If fleas are found on your pet during the grooming process, you will be contacted to give him or her a special anti-fleas bath.

Media Release

This release authorizes Pet Angels to photograph and/or video your pet for your client file, the company website and social media pages, and possible advertisement. Your dog’s name may be used when photos/videos are shared, but yours will not be. All photos/videos taken are the property of Pet Angels.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Please keep in mind that we have a zero-tolerance policy at our salon. This means that any disrespect in the form of insults, threats, or rude comments will not be tolerated. Any client who acts out against our Zero Tolerance policy will automatically be removed from my client list and be banned from booking with us. If you have any questions or concerns about your groom, I am happy to help as long as we are shown the respect that we deserve. Thank you.

Refusal Of Service

All of our staff member will have the right to refuse any dogs upon stating their reasoning.

This will execute in very rare situations, but we trust all of our staff that they will make great judgment calls, and trust that they will kindly and respectfully state the reason of refusal to the client, and we hope both parties will understand.

240 East Main St American Fork, Utah 84003
(801) 931-1804
Monday - Friday (8AM - 5PM)
Services only Accepting walk ins: Monday - Friday (8AM - 2PM)